If you learn to manage a paycheck, spend less than you earn and stash away some money for later, you can put that education to good use, no matter what you choose to do. 如果你学会了管理薪水,量入为出,存一些钱以备将来之用,你就可以将所受教育学以致用了,不管你选择做什么工作。
Some women furtively stash away their husband's money over the years on the pretext that it would be of some assistance if he has to die first. 有些女人会长年私藏丈夫的一些钱财,并借口说如果丈夫先走一步的话,这些钱财就能派上用场。
So stash away small amounts of money in an emergency fund, and make sure you use it – well, only for emergencies! 因此,储存一部分钱当作急救资金,并保证你能很好地用这部分钱,而且只能在急用的时候用!
Stored stuff is like a bank deposit-it's contractually short term, but usually stays where it is. Contracts are often only for a month or so, yet hoarders stash things away for far longer. 存东西就像存钱&合同期限虽短,但钱却长存银行。仓储公司的合同往往只签一个月左右,但人们实际存东西的时间却要比这长得多。
Available jobs offer low wages, people put off finishing their educations because they cannot afford it, and health crises take any savings the family was able to stash away. 可获得的工作岗位,工资很低,因此人们放弃完成学业,因为他们没钱支付学业需费用,健康危机耗尽了家庭的所有积蓄。
The Chinese tend to stash away even greater sums to make up for the lost interest. 但中国人往往会存更多钱,以弥补损失的利息。
I should secretly stash away some money. 我应该暗地里藏些私房钱。
Stash away both what you lost and gained, for life continues on. 将得失深藏心底吧,为了那未来的生活。